As mentioned in this blog, BMI is an imperfect measure. However, it provides an easily calculated standard to help us understand the best weight loss options for any patient.
Regarding BMI, there are various classifications, from underweight to morbid obesity. Each of these, however, must be taken with a grain of salt because BMI ultimately does not consider age, gender, or musculature, making it inherently inaccurate. In other words, a very muscular bodybuilder, for example, may be considered obese by BMI only; conversely, someone who is relatively thin but has a high body fat percentage may be within the normal BMI range but is at greater risk of cardiovascular disease.
With that said, we can use the BMI to offer guidance on the best weight loss methods, and to that end, we’ll start with somebody with a normal BMI. A BMI within the “normal” range does not necessarily mean you are at low risk of weight-related concerns and diseases. You may not be in optimal health if you aren’t performing regular strength training or exercise. And you may not have the body shape you’d like. As such, this is a great time to evaluate your exercise habits, incorporate strength training and cardiovascular exercise into your routine, and improve your diet by cutting out saturated fats and high-added-sugar foods. Even minor optimizations can make a big difference in how you feel and how your body performs. This can set you up for better, longer-term health as you age.
If you are at the low end of the overweight BMI range, approximately 25 to 27, you should first remember that if you are very muscular and have a large frame, you may already be at your ideal weight. That said, improved diet and exercise, especially strength training, are often best for these BMI levels.
Once you reach the upper end of the overweight scale (up to 29.9 BMI), diet and exercise are likely required, and cutting out high-sugar foods is an excellent way to start. Putting more time into exercise and increasing that heart rate through cardio and strength training will help. However, now may be the time to consider a structured or medical weight loss program. You may feel the ill effects of excess weight in this range.
Patients are considered obese when they reach a BMI of 30 and above. And once again, there is some leeway in this measurement. However, if a longer-term diet and exercise plan has failed, weight loss medications, known as GLP–1 receptor agonists like Wegovy and Zepbound, may be good options to lose weight quickly and jumpstart a new lifestyle. Just approach these drugs as a temporary solution, as we do not know the long-term risks or insurance coverage outlook. We also know that most patients lose significant muscle mass while on them. Use them to get back on track for your new lifestyle rather than a long-term crutch.
While weight loss drugs have been touted as a virtual panacea, the truth is that they are effective only for a relatively small subset of patients with obesity, and anyone with a BMI over 40 is unlikely to reach their goal weight using these drugs. That said, some pre-op bariatric patients with higher BMIs may benefit from weight loss drugs if their surgeon believes that taking them would reduce surgical risk. Weight loss drugs may also be helpful after bariatric surgery if a patient is beginning to regain weight.
That said, bariatric surgery (like gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and other procedures) remains the best long-term weight loss option for a qualifying patient with a BMI over 40, as it offers exceptional weight loss potential and a low surgical risk profile.
Of course, patients will experience different circumstances and may benefit more from specific procedures than others. Discuss this with a qualified bariatric surgeon and weight loss specialist like Dr. Tsuda. Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn more about the best weight loss options for your circumstances.