After weight loss surgery, you may find that many holidays and celebrations look different. If the way you commemorated special events was focused on food or drink, you might need to re-evaluate how you will celebrate. And, as is often the case, the best defense is a good offense! Halloween is right around the corner, so read on to help develop a plan to stay on track!
If you’ve got kids, you’ll probably be trick or treating. You might have to go to multiple trunk or treats, neighborhood events, and class parties too! Take advantage of the opportunity that trick or treating provides to get in some extra steps! Look at it as the perfect excuse for a nice long walk. And, if you’ve already managed to lose a decent amount of weight, reward yourself by getting a fun costume that you’ll love to show off!
Of course, with kids’ Halloween celebrations, count on candy being EVERYWHERE. If you know sweets are a weakness, try bringing your own, so you don’t feel alone. There are tons of low-carb candy options out there these days. Some popular brands include High Key, Quest, Lily’s, Atkins, Slim Fast, Kiss My Keto, and Smart Sweets. Whether you like chocolatey, fruity, gummies, or sours, you’ve got options! Check them out.
Adult parties are a different challenge. And that challenge will probably be the food and drink options. Parties are likely to have snacks high in carbs and calories, not to mention alcohol. Your best plan here is to eat beforehand so that you don’t have to worry about the food situation. If you must snack, nibble on some cheese and nuts if they’re available. Alcohol is tricky. If it is early in your post-op life, steer clear of it. A cup with ice water (and maybe a squirt of flavor enhancer or fruit) with a straw should hopefully keep anyone from offering you something else. If you are past the 6-month mark and going to drink, go for a small glass of dry wine. They tend to be lower in calories and carbs.
Better yet, change up your usual party mindset! Maybe your old M.O. was to hang out by the snack table. Embrace the new you and hit the dance floor! Work the room. Burn some calories. Set a goal to meet three new people. Before you know it, the night will be over, and you hadn’t eaten a thing.
Halloween doesn’t have to be dull and sad for us in our post-WLS life. But we will likely have to make some changes. Be proactive. Make a game plan. It will get easier and more natural over time. You got this!