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Weight Loss Drug Looks Promising After Clinical Trial: Is the Hype Warranted?

March 2, 2021

Recently, the drug Semaglutide, which is used to treat Type II diabetes, was reported by the New England Journal of Medicine to have success in treating obesity. The reported weight loss for the nearly 2000 study participants randomized to either the weekly injections of semaglutide or a placebo was 15-20 percent of their weight.

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Why Does Insurance Take So Long to Approve Bariatric Surgery

February 15, 2021

The insurance process can vary between patients and insurance companies…even policies, but rarely is the process a short one. First, patients and providers alike have to deal with insurance companies that are pressed for time and may not be able to handle requests in a timely manner. Unfortunately, this is just a byproduct of the massive volume of preapprovals that need to be generated each and every day.

Further, the insurance company wants to be entirely sure that the procedure in question is medically necessary. This is particularly true for bariatric surgery.

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Tips to Maintaining Your Weight Loss Long Term

February 1, 2021
Losing excess weight is only part of the weight loss journey. Some people may find that keeping the weight off is even more difficult than losing it in the first place.  Once a patient loses weight, they must commit to lifestyle changes to maintain their goal weight.

After substantial weight loss, it is not uncommon for a person to gain back some of the weight they lost.  This calls for having a game plan for how to maintain one’s new weight. Regular four-times-weekly exercise, healthy eating habits, a good support system and a positive mindset are all things to be mindful of when maintaining weight loss.

A weight loss journey is unique on a patient-to-patient basis, but there are guidelines you can follow in order to increase your chances of keeping weight off.

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Lifestyle Changes After Weight Loss Surgery

January 18, 2021

The benefits of weight loss surgery are not limited to the change in the number that shows up on the scale, but an entire lifestyle reboot. Surgery is just a puzzle piece in the grand scheme of weight loss – it is one tool in the toolbox. After weight loss surgery, there are many aspects of life you have to commit to changing including your diet, physical activity, and mindset.

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Proton Pump Inhibitors: Are They Safe for Long Term Use?

January 4, 2021

Proton Pump Inhibitors or PPIs have become the front-line treatment for mild to moderate acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Virtually every patient that has not seen improvement with antacid such as TUMS has moved on to PPIs which are readily available, over the counter, and are relatively inexpensive. These highly marketed medicines are the next step in GERD treatment and work by suppressing acid in the stomach. In other words, the reflux does not go away, but rather the contents that are refluxing are no longer as acidic.

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Swimming – A Great Post Bariatric Surgery Exercise With A Couple Caveats

December 16, 2020

In the bariatric postoperative recovery process, we encourage patients to not only diet, but also exercise more frequently and consistently. In the beginning, as wounds are healing, exercise may be in the form of several minutes or even a half hour of walking, as tolerated. However, as patients begin to increase their activity levels, we like to see them perform somewhat strenuous, but low impact, activities. Contact sports, running and more can all be very stressful on the joints, especially with excess weight, and should therefore be avoided.

Swimming is a fantastic exercise that is easy on the joints yet works virtually every muscle in the body.  For that reason, not to mention getting outside and enjoying the sunshine, we like to promote swimming as one of the best exercises after bariatric surgery.  It is very important to make sure your surgeon has advised you that your incisions are healed enough to get in a pool.

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What To Know About Osteoarthritis and Obesity?

December 2, 2020

We all have smooth cartilage between bones in our joints that allows free, smooth movement without pain and disability. Osteoarthritis is a condition in which this cartilage begins to break down, causing jagged, degraded tissue and later bone on bone rubbing, inflammation and bone spurs that lead to weakness, pain, disability and even immobility.

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Diet or Exercise – Which Yields Better Weight Loss Results?

November 18, 2020

We all know that a combination of diet and exercise allows for ideal body weight loss and maintenance at a lower weight. However, many bariatric patients, especially in the early postoperative time of their lives want to know which they should prioritize. And, while we always want our patients to embark on a well-rounded diet and exercise program, initially, diet is really what they must focus on.

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Tips To Prepare You For Your Bariatric Consultation

November 4, 2020

If you’re considering bariatric surgery and you’re waiting for your preliminary consultation at our office, congratulations! You’ve made an incredible first step toward changing your life and your health. Realizing that you may not be able to do it alone and confronting your weight issues head-on are not easy and your decision should be commended. By the same token, you probably also realize that there’s a lot of work to do to make sure your surgical procedure is a success.

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Comparing Fundoplication to LINX for Reflux Management

October 7, 2020

A traditional fundoplication (where the upper part of the stomach is wrapped around the lower portion of the esophagus) and the LINX Reflux Management System, (a bracelet-like titanium implant to squeeze the lower esophageal sphincter) are two common surgical solutions for gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Both have their pros and cons and we will discuss them in further detail in this blog.

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